Sunday, April 24, 2011


We have to be thankful for family and friends.

I watch my younger brother and sister as joy consumes the faces of them.

I see my grandmothers joy that glows with pride.

I notice the love of my parents that wisely governs their children.

I look to my fiance and see her already looking at me.

     What more could I ask for?  We need to take time in life to count the beautiful things in life.  No matter how little we do have...we still do have.  Count them, or even notice the one thing you have.  Be thankful this easter for the joy in life.  If you do not feel joy, then pay more attention.  Smile at someone in the supermarket, on the street, or even a new person at work.  Then notice the joy in their face.  You just created some joy in the world.  Don't stop with just that.  It is greater than you think..... 
        Does anyone know the agony that your savior went through for all mankind?  NO... only he does.  I thank you God for your LOVE and GRACE Lord as you and only you could form this plan to save our lives.  Thank you Jesus for conquering death for my family and myself.  I feel so small.


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