Friday, April 22, 2011


I just wanted to quickly encourage everyone to be loud today!

Jesus was not quiet or timid about his ministry but he was very smart.  Knowing all things he chose his battles wisely.  We read in the bible about him knowing when to slip away from crowds or simply avoiding a situation for a specific reason.  So, since we do not know all things then we need to rely on his voice or just be very careful in choosing when to go for it.  We should know the risk involved and make a smart Godly decision.  Know what you know, do not go head deep if you are not equipped.  If you aren't equipped, then go jump into the word.

     With that said, BE LOUD TODAY.  Show no timidity, but rather be brave and bold when you should. In the times where you are not equipped, PRAY.   Let us do GODS work today.  BE a MINISTRY to SOMEONE.
                            GOD BLESS!

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