Thursday, April 21, 2011

God knows the outcome.

Dear church,
I was reading in John about how there were people were selling animals and there were also money –changers at the temple… I go through this with little detail because it is not my main point today…
            Jesus bound cords together to make a whip and drove the people who were selling at the temple away.  He was angry even to the point of throwing tables over.
“Take these things away; stop making My Father’s house a place of business.”
In return, the people asked him what sign he would show that could prove his authority.
            Jesus told them this…. “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”  The Jews replied, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?  Later when Jesus had died and raised to live again his disciples remembered these words and believed what Jesus had spoken.
            My point this very second is … why would we wait now?  Now because we have been shown evidence that Jesus is the final authority on life (meaning EVERTYTHING) and the author of life in the first place.  Why do we not believe him?  The bible would not even mention the disciples believing unless it had a purpose.  Once more it would not explain how they believed it AFTER proof had been shown (hence Jesus dying and then being raised in three days).                         
            We have the convenience of HAVING THE PROOF.  Follow God for real today.  From this moment on, DO what the bible teaches, DO what God tells you in your life, DO the gospel.  Trust God and believe BEFORE you see the outcome.  The disciples believed after the result.  We today as a Christian people, need to believe to MAKE a better result.  Trust what God is saying today in your life and then see the result. 
            It is greater than you think… oh and one question.  Not to over work your brain, but are you listening?  Reflect on that question today so that you can apply our main point.  If you are not listening, then you cannot hear.  If you can’t hear, then you cannot obey and reap the benefit. 

            Listen and obey today, God Bless

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